

Upon receipt of an application:

  • a patent assignee search will be conducted by HKPC to identify the applicant’s eligibility of the grant.
  • A patent search-cum-technical assessment will be conducted by HKPC to evaluate the patentability of the subject invention.
  • A face-to-face interview with the inventor(s) will be arranged for eligible applications.
  • Based on the result of the patent search-cum-technical assessment, ITC will decide whether the applications should be approved. ITC’s decision will be final.

Please refer to Annex 2 of Frequently Asked Questions for detail assessment procedures.

Applications can be made either by :

Paper form submission
Paper form submission
Online submission
Online submission
Two copies of the duly completed application form with original signature are to be submitted to the implementation agent, HKPC, or the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC)  

Application Guidance Videos

Introduction to PAG - How to apply?

Filling in a PAG e-application (for online submission)