HKPC x FHKI Event: Seminar on “From Concept to Practice: How can the Green Industry Seize Government Funding to Accelerate Transformation?”
To further assist the green industry in enhancing its operational capabilities and efficiency, the HKPC Government Funding Scheme Management Centre collaborated with the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) to co-organise a seminar on 9 July, 2024. "Recycling Fund" and "Cleaner Production Partnership Programme" were introduced to FHKI members during the event.
During the seminar, an overview of the ten Government funding schemes implemented by HKPC was provided. Additionally, HKPC representatives outlined the application requirements and process, the scope of funding, as well as the evaluation criteria of "Recycling Fund" and "Cleaner Production Partnership Programme". The aim was to help interested companies effectively leverage Government funding to convert their green industry ideas into practical applications, thereby enhancing their long-term market competitiveness.
The event concluded with a Q&A session between the participants and representatives from HKPC. This interactive discussion fostered valuable networking opportunities and enabled a deeper understanding on how to improve their operational capabilities and efficiency with proper utilisation of Government funding schemes.
As the leading implementer of government funding schemes in Hong Kong, the HKPC is dedicated to assisting Hong Kong's SMEs in enhancing their competitiveness and effectively utilizing government funding programmes. Visit the Biz Expands Easy (BEE) platform ( ) to access latest information on funding resources.