[Free Webinar] Briefing of Technology Voucher Programme & ePROQ platform
Launched in November 2016, TVP aims to support local enterprises/organisations in using technological services and solutions to improve productivity, or upgrade or transform their business processes. The Secretariat will conduct a webinar to introduce the latest enhancement measures of the TVP, including the introduction of the TVP ePROQ platform, and application procedures.
On the other hand, to further optimise customer service excellence of applicants for wider selection of service providers at more competitive prices, and to enable more service providers to have access to Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) projects for which they could potentially offer their services, TVP ePROQ platform has been officially launched on 12 October 2022. The TVP ePROQ will serve as a transparent and fair marketplace by providing applicants with market information on service providers which could support TVP project activities. The platform will also show TVP projects for service providers to explore opportunities to serve the TVP applicants. By making available such information, it is hoped to provide a wider selection of service providers to funding applicants for the latter to obtain service support at more competitive prices, thereby optimising the use of approved funding.
Date: 18 January 2024
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Mode: Online (Zoom)
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