
【Patent Application Grant】Creating Valuable Intellectual Property Assets - Successful Case Sharing

According to the "High-Growth Enterprises and Intellectual Property" survey by the European Patent Office, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with at least one intellectual property (IP) protection are 22% more likely to achieve growth compared to general enterprises,  and 10% more likely to become a high-growth enterprise. Therefore, it is not only large companies that need to obtain IP protection, SMEs could also rapidly develop their businesses and achieve success through application for patents, trademarks or design rights.

Representatives from HKPC will share success stories of start-ups to illustrate their innovation and key factors in successful commercialisation of their inventions. We will also introduce the government funding scheme Patent Application Grant (PAG) to assist local companies and individuals in reducing the cost of patenting.

To learn more about IP protection or PAG to add value to your business and innovation, join this free online webinar now!

Date:14 December 2023 (Thursday)
Time:3PM to 3:45PM
Format: Webinar

Register now (Chinese version only)