Professional Training on Smart and Green Logistics Scheme (PTSGLS)

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With a view to helping the logistics sector to nurture more professional talents and to encourage in-service practitioners to equip themselves with up-to-date knowledge to support the industry to upgrade and transform itself towards the direction of green and smart, the Government launched the Professional Training on Smart and Green Logistics Scheme (PTSGLS, the Scheme) on 8 January 2024 under the Maritime and Aviation Training Fund (MATF). It aims to subsidise eligible logistics-related organisations, professional bodies and education/training institutes to strengthen the training courses and initiatives on smart and green logistics for in-service practitioners and those who are interested to join the industry.

The Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB) has engaged the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) as the Implementation Partner to serve as the Secretariat for the Scheme. The Scheme is overseen by the Subcommittee on Industry Development (SID) under the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council (LOGSCOUNCIL). Please click here for the membership of SID.

The cut-off date of the next batch of applications is  on 31 July 2024, with expected processing date in September 2024.
[Note: Applications received by the Secretariat after this cut-off date will be processed together with the next batch of applications received by the next cut-off date.]
