Professional Training on Smart and Green Logistics Scheme (PTSGLS)


The Scheme provides funding support to training courses directly related to smart and green logistics and related technologies to be conducted in Hong Kong covering curriculum including but not limited to:

  1. latest professional, technical knowledge and practical skills in advanced logistics practices on e-logistics, special cargo handling, digitalisation, blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, robotics and automation technology, cybersecurity, environmental, social and governance (ESG), etc.; and
  2. other logistics specific topics that can be identified in standards, manuals or guidelines established by professional bodies, trade associations or other relevant organisations in the logistics industry.

Eligibility of Applicant Organisations

Eligible applicant organisations under the Scheme should satisfy the following requirements – 

  • Non-profit-distributing organisations, charitable professional bodies and non-government organisations in or related to the logistics sector in Hong Kong, such as professional bodies, trade and industry associations, academic and training institutions, research institutes or other industrial support organisations, are eligible to apply.  These organisations shall either be statutory organisations or organisations duly established, incorporated and registered under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).
  • The applicant organisation must be the organiser of the approved course.

Subsidy Amount

  • Maximum funding support for each approved course under the Scheme may cover up to 80% of course fees, subject to a cap of HK$6,500 for each participant who attended the training course for the first time. Any funding and/or sponsorship from other sources on that particular approved course shall be excluded.
  • External audit fees for implementing the training course, which shall be capped at HK$10,000 for each course.
  • The actual amount of funding support granted to the applicant organisation may subject to further adjustment based on the actual attendance of participants and the actual cost of the approved course incurred by the applicant organisation.
  • Training courses which have received/would receive other sources of funding support provided by the Government will not be eligible for funding under the Scheme.

Application Time

  • The Scheme is open for applications all year round.
  • The processing time depends on the submission of the required supporting documents.

Assessment Criteria

  • Applications will be assessed based on individual merits and considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • The assessment criteria of the proposed training course include:
    1. Relevance of the proposed course content to the objectives of the Scheme
    2. Effectiveness and distinctiveness of the proposed training course content
    3. Quality of the teaching staff
    4. Quality and approach in course delivery
    5. Professional and/or academic standing of the applicant organisation
    6. Reasonableness of the budget
  • Please refer to the Guide to Application for details. 

Project Monitoring

  • To facilitate evaluation of the approved course, successful applicant organisations will be required to submit a final report to the Secretariat within two months after completion of the approved course.
  • The Secretariat will review the final report and assess the effectiveness of the approved course by comparing the results against its original objectives and targets as set out in the approved application form.
  • The Secretariat may conduct on-site checking, including random, surprise and routine inspections, to verify the progress and results for individual approved course.

Disbursement of Funds

  • Applicant organisations can choose to receive funding payment either:
    1. by one-off payment after course completion; or
    2. in two instalments with an upfront payment of up to 50% of the approved funding amount and a final payment.
  • The upfront payment will be disbursed upon signing of the funding agreement and commencement of the project.
  • The one-off payment or the final payment will be made to the successful applicant organisation upon course completion and acceptance of the final report by SID and the Secretariat.

Suspension or Termination of Funding Support

  • The Government reserves the right to suspend or terminate funding support for an approved project. Once a project is suspended or terminated, the applicant enterprise will not be entitled to the receipt of funding under the Pilot Scheme.  Any cost incurred in the project should be solely borne by the applicant enterprise.  The applicant enterprise should return all/part of the funding disbursed in respect of the approved project(s) (regardless of whether the applicant enterprise has already spent the funds or not) together with all administrative, legal and other related costs and payments to the Government via the Secretariat.
  • The Government reserves the right to suspend or terminate funding support for an approved course.
  • Once an approved course is suspended or terminated, the applicant organisation will not be entitled to the receipt of funding under the Scheme and any cost incurred in the approved course will be solely borne by the applicant organisation.
  • The applicant organisation may have to return all/part of the funding disbursed in respect of these approved courses together with all administrative, legal and other related costs and payments (regardless of whether the applicant organisation has already spent the funds or not) to the Government via the Secretariat.